Hi, my name is Ashley Richard,
I'm a Web Developer.

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About Me

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I am a Web Developer with a passion for finding creative solutions to complex problems while writing clean and precise code. A teacher at heart, I find fulfillment in collaboration and having clear and effective communication. Driven to create game-changing opportunities in the world of technology, I seek projects that will allow me to apply my versatile skill set.

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Fido Fame

A full CRUD application that displays information about Famous Dogs using the MongoDB.

Buscar Books

A simple web application that displays information about books using the Google Books API.

Is it Gay?

A full CRUD queer culture application that uses authentication to store and handle information from the queer diaspora using NestJs, ReactJS, and MongoDB.


CinemaLog is a full CRUD movie managment application that uses authentication and authorization to store and handle information about your favorite films using Django, Postgres, and AWS.

Silver Snacks Emporium

Silver Snacks Emporium is a full CRUD eCommerce application that stores and handles products, purchases, and user authentication information using React and MongoDB.


Interested in working together? We should set up a time to chat.

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